
How do i become friends with him again? (long dont open if you dont have patience! haha)?

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okay, so there is this guy. he is really cute, but i just want to be friends with him for now. im a senior in highschool and we havent really talked in person since sophmore year...we used to talk all the time the first semester of sophmore year. we were into the same stuff (music, going to concerts, stuff like that)...he used to say hi to me in the hallways and stuff...but then second semester...all h**l broke loose...i liked him, and my (ex) friend(a guy) who liked me, got mad at me since i didnt like him(my friend) he told the guy that i liked that i stalked him and wrote secret poems about him and talked about him all the time (which was complete bs...) but the guy i liked believed it! and he said some really nasty stuff about me being a freak and stalking him and i told him off one day about how he shouldnt believe what other people say and i called him some bad names....we didnt talk until junior year...we had a class together, we didnt talk in person, but he always looked at me. and one day i decided to myspace message (cause im a total wimp! haha) him about it. and i told him how i was sorry i told him off last year and how that stuff wasnt true. and he wrote back saying that he was sorry and he knew that the stuff wasnt true and that he was down to be friends again....sounds good right? wrong. hes totally changed! i hope i dont offend anyone, but hes a major wigger now, before he was in a metal band and was really shy and sweet. now hes a huge player and partier. we have nothing really in common. whenever i comment him on myspace (since we dont have any classes together and never see eachother in the halls) he always seems like hes annoyed and doesnt like ill comment him saying 'hey..whats up?!' and he'll comment back 'good' and thats it. idk. what do you guys think? why do you think he changed? is there any way we could still be friends? what should i say to him? IDK!




  1. First... LMAO @ wigger

    Well, he probably changed because of friends or people around him, he is probably just trying to be accepted now. But if he isn't he same guy as he used to be, I'd cut him loose. If he's a player, hes  probably acting annoyed or like he doesn't like you because he wants you to keep trying and keep trying, like a bug hitting a light bulb, and every time you do it, it inflates his ego. There are MUCH better friends out there - don't waste your time or energy on this sell-out!  

  2. Do you still like him?

    I think he changed because well, everyone changes. The crowd he's in probably influenced him. You said he's cute, he probably now sees that a lot of girls like him, so why should he hold back? he's probably gaining popularity now, which is probably what he always wanted secretly. Now that he's getting attention and is in with the right crowd, he's taking advantage of it.

    If you two weren't friends for the longest time while he changed, he's going to see you differently now too. Now, you're the girl who /doesn't/ party. You can try to carry on a conversation with him, but he sounds like he's just down with his new friends. I would let this boy go, he's different and it might not be the best for you.

    If you realllyyyy want to be friends with him again, I would try to find something that he's going to, like maybe your school is having a concert, big event, basketball game, something like that and tell him that you'll be there.. hang with him if you can. Don't get in the way of his new friends because that will just annoy him, but if you ever see him alone, just talk to him, try to bring back some memories of old times with him and he might just warm back up to you. Ask him how his classes are, what's up in his life, if he saw any good movies lately, things like that.

    But honestly, I don't think he's good. A player and partier? You wanna like a guy like that? He's probably not going to treat you right, he's not that shy, innocent boy anymore. I'm sure there are other boys around. He's too into his ego now and gaining girlfriends and partymates, he's not going for a good friendship with a girl outside of his crew. Sure it would be nice to have him back as a friend, but not if he's going to be a bad influence to you or your friends.

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