
How do i become friends with this person?

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How do I become friends with this person?

His name is (lets say his name is) Ryan. We're both in high school and i only have him for last period (Math). We have a group table of 4 people and he sits on the right of me, hes pretty cool and nice, he kinda looks like a bmx/skater person and he always needs help on knowing what it says on the board because he needs glasses.

How do i become friends with him?




  1. Talk to him, be nice to him. Try to talk about what he likes. Don't try and sound like an expert if you clearly aren't though. That leads to embarrassment. And of course, help him with his trouble reading. Tell if what it says, move your notes so he can see or whatever.

    Just do the same things to would to get other people to be your friends. :)

  2. u cannot maybe try or not mayr por perhaps take the ball out. k , have fun.

  3. Find something in common and just take it from there. You know like start out as class room friends then school friends then to buddies and last but not least friends like hang out and do stuff with but you have to learn how to crawl before you can walk and run that sorta thing.

  4. Okay, first of all what kind of person are you?

    Then, don't be obvious.

    Don't try to impress him (by doing something stupid, etc) and don't worship him.

    Be yourself. Show character. Unfortunately there's a possibility that you two just don't fit and that's okay. (There are so many more awesome folks out there :)  

    You know, don't be like some weirdo and smile at him all the time and don't only laugh at his jokes or something. Be laid back and interesting. Talk about yourself not only about him or other people. At the same time, ask him questions and listen.

    And for God's sake, TELL him what's on the board! Don't read it off like you are his b*tch. ;)

    You're gonna be just fine, but try not to be somebody you're not.

    Hope that helped.

    Good Luck!

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