
How do i become green??

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im in 8th grade, i'm having to write an essay on green issues.

i dont really know what this means but i really need help!!

like mabye some ideas on green issues or somethig, or ways to become green...?

thanks a bunch




  1. go green like recycling?...If so you can take old newspapers and mash them and make paper that you can actually write on.

  2. buy a honda

  3. Green in the new buzz-word for someone who is environmentally conscious. I'm not sure why there has to be new buzz words for everything all the time... Anyway, some topics of green discussion would be:


    Energy Conservation, new energy research and development

    Vegetarianism, animal rights

    Alternative transportation

    Hope that helps

  4. I would write a paper simly on turning off lights and how that saves energy. maybe research diffrent types of light bulbs and how much energy each one saves or uses.

  5. don't pay for gas it saves you money + saves the earth

  6. i have no clue ????

  7. That your mind is considering such a subject at your young age is wonderful. While this essay is in its way a task for you, something that requires work and thought, it is also a stepping stone for you into the larger world that you and your generation will soon inherit.

    Among the activities that will help you become "Green", there is recycling, choosing foods and other products that do not negatively impact our beautiful planet, and eschewing the use of automobiles for walking and/or public transit. Try to minimize the amount of rubbish you leave. See that all paper, glass, plastic, etc, are reused rather than dumped in landfills.

    Hopefully, the community of which you are an important member is well-served by affordable and convenient public transit. If not, you can make it one of your goals to attend city planning and transportation hearings. See that those in charge grant as much (and hopefully much more) funding for public transit, sidewalks, chicanes, and other traffic calming and pedestrian safety measures as they do for more traffic lanes and parking lots. You may be interested in the good work being done by Transportation Alternatives. Though based in New York and geared more toward NYC traffic calming issues, their wonderful, forward-thinking ideas are applicable worldwide. You can find them on the net.

    Learn about the transport, handling, and disposal of toxic and

    esthetically negative materials in your community. How are these issues addressed and how can you help improve things?

    Remember, old fogies like me will someday disappear into the aether, leaving you a planet with challenging issues to be addressed. I will do my very best to leave it, if only marginally, a healthier and more beautiful place than it is now. I wish you the best with your project!

  8. EASY! Get angry, and turn green like the Hulk.

  9. If you mean green literally then cover yourself in chlorine and don't shower...just kidding!

    I think "green" is referring to the enviorment and there are plenty of ways to do that. To incorporate that into your your essay this is how I would do it in a six paragraph essay...

    1st p.  open up with a thesis statement that you will support with details. ex. The world today is being overwhelmed by the population of poluting people that can be convienced to care of the earth and try to improve it by "going green."

    2nd p. explain how the earth is a poluted area and how humans have made it that way.

    3rd p. describe ways to become "green"


              picking up trash on the side of the roads or at public places.-stop litering

              do carpool to decrease the amount of car fumes going into the air.

              recycle to prevent using so many natural resources and poluting the earth with them.

              don't use as much water-brushing teeth, baths instead of showers, washing pets, watering grass, full loads of laundry

              plant flowers and trees all around the town or city to make it a beautiful place

              other things to help the enviorment

    4th p. tell who can help and how it can be fun

         ex. you, friends, family, neighbors, church members, other groups

    5th p. tell how it would effect us and the enviorment

           make life better/cleaner

    6th p. conclusion-how it helps to "go green"

    I hope this is what you wanted and I hope that I helped! Good luck on your essay!!!

  10. recycle. re-use. turn off lights. conserve water. buy local organic food. don't buy products with factory-made chemicals. buy organic cotton/hemp/wool, etc. clothes. buy no-sweatshop made shoes

  11. hello 8th grader


    if you are trying to become greeen, i think you are probably talking about becoming more environmentally friendly

    i don't know if i have an answer about how to become more green overnight...but i can certainly help you with the process

    i think it's something you work at a little bit everyday. and if you start doing the little things then add onto that, you will probably keep doing it.

    easy things to start doing would be:

    * recycle

    * re-use bags, don't take a bag\

    * buy envrionmentally friendly cleaners for your house

    * try not to buy things with lots of packaging

    i think it takes time to become green

    but it's totally worth it!

  12. Bathe everything in a tub with high concentrated green dye.

  13. Re-route your commute.

    Walk or bike to work and save money on gas and parking while improving your cardiovascular health and reducing your risk of obesity.

    If you live far from your office, investigate the option of telecommuting. Or move closer—even if this means paying more rent, it could save you money in the long term.

    If your streets are not conducive to biking or walking, lobby your municipal government to increase spending on sidewalks and bike lanes. With little cost, these improvements can pay huge dividends in decreased traffic and pollution.

    Buy used.

    Whether you’ve just moved to a new area or are looking to redecorate, consider a service like craigslist or FreeSharing to track down furniture, appliances, and other items, rather than buying them new. Check out garage sales and thrift stores for clothing and other everyday items.

    Use your creativity in gift giving, including making homemade gifts, donating to a good cause, or even regifting. (And gift green, in general.)

    Your purchasing habits have a real impact, for better or worse. When making new purchases, make sure you know what’s “Good Stuff” and what isn’t.

    Buy local.

    Shop at your local farmers’ market. Though the offerings can be more expensive, you can generally count on a higher quality product—and the entire purchase price goes directly to the farmer. Buying any goods produced locally saves energy by reducing the fossil fuels needed to transport food and other items across the country and around the globe.

    Start a local currency program in your town. This can ensure that money stays in your local economy, valuing local services and supporting local merchants.

    Compost your food scraps.

    Composting helps reduce the amount of waste you send to the landfill, which can save you money if you live in a municipality with a “pay as you throw” system. In the process, you create free, healthy fertilizer for your garden (or your neighbor’s—or lobby for a community garden!)

    If you don’t have a yard or space for a compost pile, try indoor ‘vermiculture,’ or worm composting.

    Change the thermostat setting and install energy saving devices.

    Setting your thermostat a few degrees lower in the winter and a few degrees higher in the summer can translate to substantial savings on your utility bills.

    Install low-flow showerheads and take shorter showers to save water and the energy used to heat it. Or, consider eventually installing a solar hot water heater on your property.

    Wash clothes in cold water whenever possible and use a drying rack or clothesline.

    When incandescent bulbs burn out, replace them with longer-lasting, low-energy compact fluorescent bulbs.

    With the money you save from making these changes, consider buying wind energy from your local utility or purchasing renewable energy offsets. Renewables offer our best hope for reducing greenhouse gas emissions, as well as a host of other pollutants. In some cases, “green energy” options can be cheaper than electricity from conventional sources!

    Skip the bottled water at the grocery or convenience store.

    Filter your tap water for drinking rather than using bottled water. Not only is bottled water expensive, but it produces large amounts of container waste.

    Check out this recent update and life cycle analysis for the latest on bottled water trends.

    Make your own cleaning supplies.

    Using simple ingredients such as baking soda, soap, and vinegar, you can make cheap, easy, and non-toxic cleaning products that really work! Save money, time, and your indoor air quality.

    Think twice about new electronics.

    E-waste from discarded cell phones and computers is a growing environmental problem. Mounds of electronic refuse are being shipped abroad illegally for ‘disassembly’ by workers with little protection against the mercury and other toxic substances they contain.

    Keep your electronics as long as possible and dispose of them responsibly when the time comes.

    Buy higher-quality items and don’t give in to ‘psychological obsolescence’ marketing campaigns.

    Recycle your cell phone and support good causes at the same time!

    Ask your local government to set up a responsible recycling and hazardous waste collection event.

    Add one meatless meal per week.

    While strict vegetarianism isn’t for everyone, even the most devout carnivores can cut back on meat consumption without cramping their style—and save money in the process. Industrial meat production requires huge energy inputs and creates noxious waste problems. The proliferation of factory farms is damaging the environment, and the global nature of the industry creates conditions that promote the spread of diseases such as avian flu, potentially costing society billions.

    Use your local library and other public amenities.

    Borrowing from libraries, instead of buying personal books and movies, saves money and printing resources. Consider donating the money saved to your local library.

    Be an active civic participant and ensure that the public spaces and facilities in your town are well maintained. This will promote a healthy, sustainable community.

    i got this all from this website.

  14. Write about the solar energy in Germany. The government offers subsidies (payments) to ppl who use it in Germany. That would wow your teacher.

    You could say that this is a good template for the US to follow. Seriously they are going really far with the solar panels in Germany. Research that!

  15. Get some paint at the store and pour it on yourself. Make sure the paint is green!!! good luck.


  17. Mix blue and yellow food coloring together, put in your bath water, and enjoy a nice long soak.

  18. conserve water and electricity.  carpool, use a bicycle or take public transport/ get a hybrid car.  Recycle anything you can.  Just so u no, turning something off doesn't stop it from using up energy (like your tv for example).

  19. Suggest that each household buy an energy saver light bulb once a month--they can be pretty costly-- especially if you have a million light fixtures like we do. So, we made a plan that we would replace one bulb (but we sometimes do more than one) every month with an energy saver bulb.

    This seemingly simple plan will save TONS of energy and money in the long run.

    Draw out a "tree" plan showing how each person suggesting to their family members that they do the same can have a wide reaching impact on energy consumption.

  20. Maybe the enviorment?

  21. green issues? like global warming and stuff??

  22. Eat grass...

  23. I turn green when ever I hear Al Gore or most Hollywood celebrities spout off about global warming.  Then I usually vomit and I'm fine again.

  24. get some non toxic paint...and go nuts

  25. Start by confessing your green-sins at the online green confessional (

    There are loads of easy green tips on the site too.

    you can also win some eco prizes by confessing, so worth a visit.

  26. Becoming green means that you're trying to do what you can to save the earth. it includes doing things like recycling, planting trees, not littering, hybrid/better technology (cars, etc), not using toxic chemicals to grow things/clean/etc, saving electricity, eating organic...basically doing what you can to reduce your impact on the planet.

  27. get exposed to gamma rays and then get mad like the hulk

  28. umm .. i think green issues mean the environment. like with all the waste and global warming, the assignment is probably about how we can help fix these issues and stop global warming. and i dont think theres an actual way to become green, unless you have the universal remote ( watch "Click" starring adam sandler if you dont get it. lol ) and so i think the essay is about waste and, global warming, and saving the environment. hope this helped! good luck on your essay! ~!

  29. u could become green by only eating green foods..

    like green grapes, brocoli, peas ect..

  30. green like the hulk

  31. Hey, start eliminating waste.  You know when you go to a fast food place and get your food wrapped up, then in a bag or on a tray with that piece of paper on it, don't get the paper or the bag.  Also, you can start using reusable bags at a grocery store instead of plastic ones; same with water or soda bottles...  Not only that but how about instead of purchasing water in a small bottle which contributes to tons of production waste, purchase one reusable bottle or canteen and cut that kind of waste.  Also, don't use so many household cleaners; they hurt the environment along with  pesticides, herbicides, and fertilizers.  Those are horrible for the earth in many ways.  This is my most passionate topic, anything else I can help you with just ask.

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