
How do i become less embarrced around people?

by  |  earlier

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  1. Alex get out more, get a life, get around, and get seduced by a lovely, really, lovely bird.

    Make sure you have "safety" in your pocket.

    Problem solved.

  2. Ha ha.

    By just being your self.

    Just appreciating your self.

  3. lose your virginty

  4. To become less embarrased around people just  be yourself and don't think about how to impress them or the person you are talking to.

  5. Speelling mite be a wave fouwards!


  6. i stuttered this morning. embarrassment!! hits wen i don't expect it.

  7. It's hard to answer your question as there is no such word as 'embarrced'.  ; )

  8. learn how to spell

  9. dont listen to listen to what other think of you, be yourself and have fun ,  but yourself in awkward situations the more you face your fears the more easier you become.  you might think you look silly or stupid being loud but you look more stupid hideing yourself in the shadows get out their be the centre of attention have some fun.  it may take a while but once you realise how silly you were for being embarrassed around people you ll be fine. obviously some people are more outgoing than others you need to find who you are

    hope i have helped and good luck to you Alex

  10. hi, try and look at your local council adult education courses there may be a course there like ascertiveness or confidence building that might help you.

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