
How do i become more agressive in volleyball?

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I am on the lowest team the C team at my school i would really love to get on B team but my coach says that for that to happen I have to get agressive are there any ways to become more agressive or am i hopeless.




  1. Show your dedication to volleyball games, and to the team building. Work hard during practice to improve your skill level.

    You will need to be at a certain level to make yourself more confident, before you can become more aggressive. Going after "every ball" would only annoy your teammate and your coach, but going after those impossible and dig them up would show your aggressiveness... it is hard to draw a line regarding what you should or should not do.

    Once you are there, you would know when to get to the ball, and when to trust your teammate to get the ball up (or block a spike).

  2. hit people.

  3. hey, i play volleyball too : )

    They trick to becoming more agressive is to have absoultly NO FEAR of the ball, the other players, or of hitting the floor. When you think you have a shot at the ball, think about nothing except getting to the ball and hitting it.

    SHOUT: GOT IT!!!!! So the other players on your team know that you're going for the ball. Don't make the classic mistake of going of the ball and then stopping two feet away from it and letting it hit the floor. GET UNDER IT. HIT THE FLOOR!!!

    (thats really the most fun part of volleyball)

    Just remember to have a lot of fun, and the rest will come naturally!

  4. when the coaches say get agressive, they mean go after the ball.  put your effort into really going after digs and also of coarse your hits should be like you want the point not like rolls. cuase that gets you nowhere

  5. try to watch and learn with

    Sheila from brasil   and

    Manon Flier from netherlands

  6. u can start a fight lol

    no dont do that, you can start to hit the ball harder

    and have a mean face on lol

    good luck

  7. get knee pads and dive for the ball..and show that you want to be there..always hussal coaches love that..

    i was scared to dive but once i did it it felt good and the coaches liked it when i was agressive.

    try to be the ball hog..and show that you really want the ball

    you have C teeam my school only has A team and B team

  8. *don't let people step in front of you to get the ball

    *don't waste time during practice giggling and gossipping

    *don't give up...if it looks like the ball is going to drop, still race after it

    *move your feet

    * might not make you more aggressive, but it will be funny!

    i don't know if any of these are your problems, but this works for me

  9. It's an attitude you have to have.

    On every pass, consider the ball yours, until someone else calls you off. When you're sure you're the closest to the ball, call it.. LOUD and DECISIVELY. Obviously, do this within reason. If it's right at somebody, don't cut them off.

    On defense, your job is to not allow any ball to touch the ground on your floor. That's your floor there! Don't let the other team put a ball down on YOUR floor! Even if you don't think you can get it, give it your best effort and dive for it. One of those times, you'll end up getting it. Obviously, you can't get them all, but that's the attitude you should have.

    Another thing I like to do is.. you know when a ball ricochets off of somebody and goes flying waaaaay off the court? Go get that ball! Every time! It doesn't matter if you're the furthest from the ball.. go chase it down! Find the path of the ball, put your head down and go into your fastest sprint. Look back up for the ball after a second or two and if you're close enough, send that thing back into play! When you save a ball like that, you won't believe how much it picks up your team! You'll also find that everybody else's effort picks up too. They don't want to half-*** it after you just busted your *** to save a point.

  10. there are different ways of being aggressive.. going to the floor for a dig is aggressive... doing your best to on your vertical leap... put in more time than the others....go fot it..

  11. aggression has nothing to do with anger or hate.  the only person you should be competing against is yourself.  push your self and try the best you can each time.  for everything.  every exercise.  every pass.  every set.  just work hard and practice as much as you can.  that's the only way to get good at something.

    good luck.

  12. Pretend the ball is someone that you despise or mad at that you just wanna hit them so freaking hard.

  13. ..practice makes perfect.!!.. concentrate and don't think of anything unless its all about volleyball tactics.....just play and have fun...sooner or later you'll be enjoying it and before you realize what's happening,,you're already one heck of a player..!!!

  14. you can think of someone that makes you mad and pretend it's their head... i guess?

  15. I had the same problem last year....but i just got really tired of losing so i put on a game face and did my best, worked my hardest and made sure my coach saw how hard i was working and i got put on the top team as a STARTER! So anything is possible if you work hard!

  16. Aggressive playing --  going after every ball, every play, even risking even injury by colliding with another player

    Aggressive personality -- Taking charge, going for everything you want, having a set of clearly defined preferences, not standing around passively and saying "I guess...or I'm not sure"  You are firm, resolute, confident, and you don't let other people boss you around.  You don't spend time reflecting on things.  Like whether or not you are aggressive. Instead you just go after what you want...because you want it bad... and your not going to lose out to somebody else.

    An aggressive person might even shoot for the A team.  

    hope this helps

  17. It's all about you honey!!

    don think  about the person beside you!!

    you can do it!!

    if your serving, make that ball yours!!

  18. When you're playing, think of something that really pisses you off like, Hitler or any Avril song usually works.

    Also drink a full throttle before playing.

    Hope that helps.

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