
How do i become more social? and how do i stop caring about what others think of me?

by  |  earlier

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i am thinking of starting tennis. but should i start with a friend or by myself. I am not a real social person so what should i do




  1. Scary world out there hey, not really, have to be careful of course. Go the tennis on your own, you will be amazed at what you can do on your own.

  2. As I have said to the previous posting, Look at yourself and think what it is you feel you need to change about yourself - If you make sure you are clean, tidy, speak politely and don't do any harm to anyone then you cave much to be confident about.

    Don't feel that anyone else is better than you, they may be more educated, or financially better off, perhaps can afford better clothing, but at the end of the day, these things are only materialistic - it is your personality that is most important. Speak to people as though they were on the same level as you (because really they are) And ask yourself why do I not feel confident in front of this person / these people. If they criticise you, then they are not worth your time. You are yourself, you are knowledgeable, self worthy and have no reason to feel beneath anyone else in this world, not even the queen of England.

    As for your tennis club, go ahead and start. Anyone will make mistakes, people will laugh, but just be prepared to laugh at yourself sometimes.

    You will meet like minded people there at the club and as you begin to socialise, your nervousness will gradually disappear. Go with a friend if it helps, but be prepared to speak to different people there, don't just sit with your friend as you will not mix, and also she may feel used and be wanting to meet other people herself.

    Best of luck.

  3. Starting tennis hey? =)

    Just show up when you start, be all nice and cheerful to everyone, and just have lots of fun. You will make friends in no time. At the worst, just get to know your coach/tennis teacher, and you'll be fine.

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