
How do i become tired so I can fall asleep?

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How do i become tired so I can fall asleep?




  1. close your eyes and think of ways to spend money you don't have unless you're Puffy or Trump or Hefner

  2. Concentrate on relaxing all your muscles and sinking into the bed. Go through your body, starting with your toes. It really helps my mind stop thinking "go to sleep, go to sleep" and I actually can fall asleep!

  3. If you have a chronic problem see a doctor, mine gave me trazodone, and I have to take like 300mg just to fall asleep. Or if you don't want to see a doc. You can try some over the counter medicine like Tylenol has a few types of sleep medication

  4. Try taking Sleep MD you can buy it over the counter and it helps you to relax and rest.

  5. I know a few ways we could get tired. Bowchickawowow

  6. Do some mild excercises, like do 20 jumping jacks or more. Or do some crunches or something.  

  7. Read, watch a movie, do something strenuous and exciting earlier in the day.

  8. get off the computer

  9. This is going to sound a little crazy but I suffered from insomnia for years and this trick works for me: I make mental lists from A to Z. One night I will think off names of people I know starting with each letter of the alphabet (Alan, Beth, Carlos, Dan...), another night I'll think of bands (Abba, Barenaked Ladies, Chicago...). I try to come up with different ways I can run through the alphabet. I usually start getting sleepy and fall asleep around R or S.

    I don't do it too often because I don't want to wear out all of the things I can list. I save it for nights where i really can't get to sleep and it works so well. I've been turning to this trick on and off for about 4 years now.

  10. read..even if its just a magazine, it would help

  11. Try exercising during the day if you dont already, drinking warm milk before going to bed, go to sleep at the same hour every day, or you can take some NyQuil.

  12. s*x...with a partner if you can find one, otherwise take matters into your own hand.

  13. watch tv

  14. If you have an ipod or something turn it up, better if you have more than 30 songs. Then it'll make you fall asleep, I think that classical music is better too 'cause they're soft and kinda' sometimes boring tooo jk. So yeah and it also helps if your room is clean, it'll make you fall asleep better 'cause it makes you feel more relax.

    (this site may maybe help you too, it gives tips on how to fall asleep! Good Luck!

  15. take a bong hit

  16. Waking up at the same time everyday (preferably and early time), and doing physical activities during the day.

  17. just go to bed earlier

    do u know how u move to another country and u get adjusted to the time zone???

    well just pretend that 10 pm is really 1 am, so u go to bed at 10 pm everyday, and after a few weeks you'll feel very tired if you even stay awake past 10 pm

    seriously, i used to think it was bs because in high school i always slept at 12 am or later, and it was a real problem, and i needed to sleep longer.

    so i just went to bed earlier, and it worked.

    beware though, this requires perseverance and patience

    it takes time for the time adjustments to kick in! so don't give up! don't be a loser! be a winner!

  18. rub your thumb for 1 min.

  19. exercise daily. warm glass of milk


  21. Drink an excess of alcohol or take sleeping pills.  

  22. read a lame *** book or conjure your thinking to some old boring story

  23. watch a black white movie

  24. Don't take any naps during the day, try to wake up and sleep at specific times of the day.  Don't lie down even if you're just lying down to watch tv.  If you can't fall asleep, don't keep lying in bed.  Get up, do something (not a physical activity) but maybe read, or watch tv, eventually you'll get tired and fall asleep right when you lie down.  If you workout, don't do your workouts 3 hours before you sleep

  25. Have s*x.

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