
How do i bond my new bunny with my other bunny??

by  |  earlier

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ok so, my mom just ordered a new cage for my bunny Mufasa, and she said i can now get another one, but after i fix him, but how do i get them to bond, i dont have her yet but im looking for one, but still how do i get them to bond, not fight, but not hump each other??




  1. try introducing them together a little at a time. I'm sure after a while they will get used to seeing each other and become good friends =)

  2. do everything that Maui said!! i hope your bunnies get along!:D :D :D

    i only have one bunny.a lionhead named Herman.i am not allowed to get another one.

  3. Look here under the Socialization section:  There's some great information about bonding two rabbits and even a video!  Good luck!  Just remember to be patient, it doesn't always happen right away, but if you are careful and persistent, you will eventually be successful- one of my pairs took me about 3 months to bond!  

  4. Duct tape them together, that usually works!

  5. I agree with Mauis answer.

    We tried for years to make my two females get along and it just wasnt meant to be. You cant force them to be social or like eachother just like people. And trust me rabbit fights are not pretty at all I've heard of peoples rabbits fighting to the death when they were'nt there to interviene.

    All we got was two trips to the vet so Annie could get stitches where Chewbacca sliced her open.

    Be patient and good luck~

  6. In the beginning, you should let your bunnies get used to each other by keeping them separate but where they can still be near each other, such as in cages that are side by side (an inch or so of space between them goes a long way towards preventing injury from scuffles when you're not around). Eventually you will notice that the bunnies choose to lay near each other, and perhaps even try to groom each other through the cages.

    Once it appears that the bunnies are tolerating each others' presence, it's time to bring them together in neutral territory (where neither one has staked a claim). Some people will introduce two bunnies in a bathtub, or a hallway which is blocked off, or a room in the house where neither bunny has spent any time.

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