
How do i bread a dwarf hamster?

by  |  earlier

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i don't know if i should bread my dwarf hamster because he lost his foot a while ago and he is sort of weak. please answer.




  1. try to build up his strength with lots of fruits and veggies and if they make him stronger he should be fine to breed but if he isn't stronger please do not breed him

  2. I am pretty sure you mean BREED, but I know that some smart azz is going to come along and tell you to roll your dwarf hamster in flour, egg, and bread crumbs LMAO

    Seriously probably shouldnt let your hamster breed if he's missing a foot and is weak.  Let him rest.  

  3. Actually cracker crumbs make a better breading for hamsters. If your using dwarf hamsters I would do at least 2 of them .  

  4. 1. its B-R-E-E-D

    2. Your hamster is not in good condition to breed

    3. Youre hilarious and youre making everyone laugh with your stupid questions.

    4. Im kidding.

  5. This appears as though you are only out for attention. First you say your hamster's foot fell off, now you're wanting to breed him?

    If this is true, you honestly shouldn't even be owning the said animal, as you are very cruel to assume an animal who probably just chewed through it's only painful foot would be in good enough health to BREED anything.

    No. Don't breed your hamster. You're not responsible enough to own anymore. And I pity the babies if you do.

  6. It's probably not a good idea to breed a hamster at all.  They can have fairly large litters, often bad things can happen (mother abandoning or even eating her young), and it can be very hard to place a large amount of hamsters.  Also it can be hard to find homes for dwarf hamsters because they can often be aggressive.

  7. u ask about the question with the foot problem if he hass it still then no u shouldnt its not fair on him but if not then ok u could if u really wanted to but make sure u have write space a home they can go to (pet shop will take them) and u do alot of research on then (alot) if so then ye go ahead and for god sake dont breed brother and sister

  8. No, do not breed your hamster.  He is not well as it is.  I am not sure why you would even consider it to be perfectly honest.  

    I'm sorry but it seems too many people want to breed their small pets.  It's not something to do because hamster or gerbil babies are cute.  It's not something to do for fun either.  It's a big responsibility and many times inexperienced pet owners end up with more than one litter to begin with and more babies than they can handle taking care of.

  9. Don't

    Take your hamster to a vet.  

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