My daughter used to sleep in her crib every night,
since day 1, well then she completly stopped sleeping in it when she was 6 months old.
i can put her in it, and she screams, she hates it,
then i can let her fall asleep, and then put her in her crib, but within an hour she is screaming again,
Oh, she is currently sleeping and napping in her bouncer.
Horrible, i know.
And she wont go to bed without the tv on!
She falls asleep to it.
I put one in her room,
And everytime she is tired,
i put her in her crib, turn on the tv...
But it dont work.
So basically i need help getting her to sleep in her crib,
And break her from the tv so much!
Also how do i get her off the bottle?
She is chewing the nipples off,
She has 13 teeth.
She wont drink from a sippy,
She can somewhat drink from a normal cup,
But will only do it maybe once a day.
Im so confused, Lol.
Anybody who knows, please help me!