
How do i breed ducks????

by  |  earlier

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i run a duck a rehabilitation duck senctuary but i have never actually bred any because i separate males and females. so i have 3 ducks total in 1 of the cages. 2 males and 1 female. ive had them for about 2 months and i took them to a vets and they can have babies ( but they wont have them ) i want them to have babies but every time the female lays eggs they are unfertil and the males dont pay any attention to them. but the female sits on them. i just dont know what im doin wrong. do i need more ducks in that cage?




  1. no thats enough ducks in a cage call a vet

  2. First off some breeds of ducks don't sit on eggs. They have had that bred out of them. They just don't get broody. The breed that comes to mind is the White Peking duck. One male to one female. The male only fertilizes the eggs and nothing more. He won't protect the eggs or nest or the ducklings when they hatch out. The female takes care of hatching and rearing of the babies.

    Have you considered buying a book to lean about ducks?

  3. no, they may just not know what to do, or be interested. sounds like they are not going to, yet anyway. u may try to put one male in only with them, wait and see, switch if it doesn' t work, until u have tried them all, then u can even try 1 on 1 that may help as sometimes they will feel threatened, and that will not aid in them getting fertile. hope this helps u some

  4. 2 males and one female is WAY to much! You should never have more than 1 male for every 4 females!

    All you have to do is take the two you want to breed and keep them together. Believe me, they will be fertile. Are you sure the eggs or unfertile or are the babies dieing in the shell? The ducks you are breeding may have deadly genetic factors in their DNA that kill the babies. Try using a different male.

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