
How do i burn a cd

by  |  earlier

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i know of a lot of songs. but i dont have them on cd and i doont have an ipod. so i need to know how to burn a cd with out using itunes. please help?




  1. well theres limeware, but you have to download it, it's free*, and i think it's also illegal. then the songs you get would be put into your music library and then you would just pick the songs you wanna burn.

    free*= it's free, but it's stealing from the artist. :/

  2. You can use iTunes. It doesn't matter if you don't have an iPod. Download iTunes from . Then put all the music into a playlist on iTunes then burn it. Good luck!

  3. Well you may want to try using a software such as NERO to help you burn your cd's. (i really dont know what itunes is but if its similar to nero and you dont want to use softwares of the such, then sorry for the lousy answer!) 1st u got to make sure you have a cd writer. Then if you are using nero just simply click on burn cd and you will be guided through the process. Personally i havnt tried burning many cd's but have you tried just copying and then pasting the song in your desired cd?? It doesnt hurt to try if u havnt! It may just work!!

  4. with a cd burner
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