
How do i calculate hourly wage based on salary?

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How do i calculate hourly wage based on salary?




  1. divide salary by average total hours per week.  And then divide that by 50 weeks per year (because you usually get 2 weeks of vacation per year)

  2. A lot of companies do it this way.  Take your annual salary and divide by 12 for a monthly salary.  Then to get your hourly wage, divide by the number of working hours in the month you're dealing with.  Months can have from 20 to 23 working days.  This means from 160 to 184 working hours per month.  So your hourly wage is different depending on the month.  I know it sounds crazy, but I've had more than one job that computed the hourly wage this way.  It seems to be very common.  Try to get overtime in February for the higher hourly wage.  



  3. Ummm...I guess you would divide the total salary by the total number of hours worked!  If I understand your question this would arrive at the amount  you are making per hour.

  4. weekly: divide salary by 40 hours to get hourly rate

    bi-weekly: divide salary by 80 hours to get hourly rate

    bi-monthly: multply salary by 24, then divide by 2080 to get hourly rate

    annual: divide salary by 2080 to get hourly rate

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