
How do i calculate my boat cruising speed?

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How do i calculate my boat cruising speed?




  1. Many areas have a measured nautical mile for such purposes. Or you can plot and measure the distance of a course between 2 buoys. Run the course or measured mile both ways at your cruising rpm and then you will be able to get your average speed. If you have a "Nautical Slide Rule" (used by boaters and available at marine supply stores)

    you can then use the speed, time, distance table to figure out your speed. Or you can use simple math. If you run a nautical mile in x minutes, divide 60 (60 mins. in an hour) by that time and get your speed. Example, if it takes you 4 minutes to run a measured nautical mile, divide 60 by 4 to get your speed of 15 kts. If you have a Nautical Slide Rule you can easily put in any distance and time to get your speed. In fact if you know any 2 of the variables and put them in you will get the 3rd variable. Enter speed and time and it will show you how far you have traveled. Enter your distance and speed and it will show you how much time it will take. Of course you can purchase a GPS and get all this displayed but its good to know the basic princaples of navigation.

  2. use a hand held gps

  3. a Displacement hull rides through the water. the maximum hull speed is generally taken as 1.34 x squareroot ( length of waterlline). so a 36 foot boat will have a max speed of about 8 knots.

    bullshit, that's for sailboats only

  4. It depends upon the type of boat.  If it is a Displacement hull or if its a Planing Hull

    Planing hull will glide on top of the water after achieving a certain speed.  then the max speed depends on horsepower.

    a Displacement hull rides through the water. the maximum hull speed is generally taken as 1.34 x squareroot ( length of waterlline).  so a 36 foot boat will have a max speed of about 8 knots.


  5. abs

  6. JPaul....youre a moron.  Displacement hulls can be sailboats or motorboats.  If it can only displace the water, then its a displacement hull.  if it can power through the bow wave and plane on top....guess what....its a planing hull.

    If I were you, Id do some research before I made myself look like a fixxing idiot.

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