
How do i calm down my hormones so i stop lashing out at my boyfriend?

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I am sixteen and pregnant and i keep lashing out at my boyfriend for no absolute reason. It has gotten so bad that we are no longer together. How do i calm all of this down so we can acctually get thru this. Why is this happening?




  1. first of all, dont listen to people who are gonna call you fat like blair w.

    you are pregnant.... you cant be pregnant and not have crazy hormones. theres really no way of controlling it either. maybe you should explain to him that its what happens and you dont mean it.  because im assuming hes the babies father and hormones is no reason for you two to break up.  especially if you have a reason for those hormones.

    i would suggest to try and not get mad at him. dont take things out on him, unless he is actually making the problem... if thats the case, then you need to straighten him up. you're only 16, you two have a lot of growing up to do. i would really recommend using this time as a growing up experience, if you arent already. when you feel like youre going to lash out and youre not in a good mood, let him know. and the other people around you. they SHOULD understand. and try to stay clear of anything thats going to annoy you when youre already not in a good mood.

    good luck with the baby!

  2. ok. well you cant really help your hormones. thats not really your fault. when you just feel like screaming at your boyfriend for no reason try taking a deep breath and screaming into a pillow instead. or just start typing/texting mean words but dont send them to anyone. trust me. it helps

  3. ur emotional b/c u r pregnant and ur hormones are skyrocketing!

    it may help to take ur prenatal vit's at night before bedtime, since they can make u sick thus making u a little cranky.

    other than that, just try to remember that the reason u r moody is the pregnancy, and try to not be so mean, even tho u really want to be mean.

  4. ahh ur pregnate grl u cant control it because ur hormones are raging ur fat and have a baby in u sryyy

  5. It's just your hormones, you can't really help it.. and your boyfriend needs to be more understanding and helpful if you two really plan on having the baby. talk to him about it & get him back. he needs to be by your side right now.

  6. ONLY talk to your Boyfriend when you KNOW you can handle it... Hormones can be ornery things...  :)

  7. All of the advice you receive above is pretty much c**p. Yes, women tend to be more emotional during certain parts of their pregnancy. But if it wasn't controllable, women would be loosing their high pressure, high responsibility jobs left and right. You should talk to your obstetrician about the hormone issue and be very honest with him or her. You are very young and so is your boyfriend. It's a very tough time and girls tend to be more mature than boys. It may be that you are getting angry with him for legitimate reasons. Perhaps he's not understanding the full impact of what having this baby will mean for both of you. In any case, you need to be around mature, level headed people who can help you through this. Perhaps your boyfriend isn't providing that support and instead expects you to be reassuring him that everything will be allright. If that's the case then it might not be hormones. It could be that you are under a lot of stress and he's not helping. Guys tend to blame women's emotional tendencies on pregnancy and period hormones. Sometimes it's true, but just as often it's not true. Men can be pains in the butt and if they tend to be emotionally abusive they will blame their problems on you. So PLEASE, tell your obstetrician exactly what's going on. He or she can provide a non-emotional point of view and might have an insight into whether it's him or you who has the problem, especially if the doctor has seen both of you. However, your doctor might not be able to determine what the problem is and could refer you to some sort of counseling. Please take advantage of it.

  8. moodswings are part of the deal girl if he really loves you he'll indertstand that but i would always tell him sorry for lashing out at you. I lash out at my hubby when I have My AF and i always tell him I am sorry after word. Your a woman you are entitled to a few cranky moments.

    Oh and one other thing if you are going lash out take it out on something else i find writing is good way to calm myself down if i wanna scream or yell. I would do something consturtive write draw read exercise. They take wasy teh stress and then you don;t yell at other people

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