
How do i care for a baby duck?

by  |  earlier

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my dad and i found 6 baby ducks left in our backyard in our highly chlorinated pool. now 4 have died, and i want to take good care of them. Right now we have a bowl of water, some "mixed flock bird seed" a stuffed animal, a towel and a heating pad. the way the others passed, it was like they froze! i think they are not eating or they are cold! some one help me! i dont want anyone else to die!




  1. first of all just wondering where was/mum?

    ducks rarely if never abandon their ducklings . i  bet she is just hiding nearby . .  

    i think if she is around  (you see her ) . . put the babies back,. . . .  but away from you pool... .

    the others probably did die of the cold and the chlorine in the water . .  so sorry but it is likely the others could take a turn for the worst too :(

    Anyway . . .  there is still hope while 2 are alive . . .  food wise . .  you need to get a special food for either "ducklings" or "chicks"  either will do.... it's probably called something like chick-crumb or chick starter . . available from all Good feed stores . .

    until you can get that give them a mix of scrambled egg . .  and wet bred (warmish)

    the stuff you have right now is no good I'm sorry to say . . . they most likely won't touch it

    do NOT give them a bowel of water like you have . .  only give them a tiny amount . .  

    otherwise they will drown . .  or get too cold and die from hypothermia . .  their feathers are not waterproof yet . .

    most of all keep them warm . . a heating pad will do . .,  or a brooder or a hot water bottle . . .

    good luck . .  get them with mum if possible though they'll have the best chance then. .

  2. sit on em

  3. Baby ducks need to be kept warm when they are very young.  The heating pad may be a little too much, it will help if the towel is placed over the heating pad.  Make sure they have good fresh water every day.  Go to a pet store and ask for some baby duck food, they have special mixtures just for that reason.    The pet store may also have a small incubator for the ducks...

    You have a good heart, good luck.

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