
How do i care for a baby rabbit with a hurt or possibly broken leg?

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How do i care for a baby rabbit with a hurt or possibly broken leg?




  1. you need to take it to the vet or animal hospital immediately because, if it is broken, it can set wrong and heal in the wrong position and leave the rabbit with a life long deformaty

  2. until you know if the leg is broken, or if the rabbit is able to use it, you should splint it with rigid pieces of somthing, two pieces, on either side of the rabits leg, secured in place with a firm rap of gauze. afterwards you should take it to a vet if its a pet, if its wild call the spca and theywill take care of it. if you wish to care for it your self you should probably check for signs the the leg is broken, areas that bend wrong, objects poking out(like bone) and observe the rabbit to see if its able to bend it, do not try to bend it yourself as you could injure it further. also you you should check for swelling. if your not sure what the rabits leg is suposed to look like, carefully compare it to the other. after the leg has been checked out, and if nessecary held stationary(with a splint) you should keep it in a warm area for a while, making sure it has water and vegies available. but if the leg is definetly broken, bent wrong, or anything else, you probably need to take it to vet or spca

  3. take it to a vet

  4. with  a vet... sorry, but its your responsibility. it needs a vet.

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