
How do i care for a gecko egg????

by  |  earlier

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mum found a gecko egg this morning and gave it to me to look after! i dont have an incubator! how to i care for it? i wont spend money on an incubator! ive put it in a cup and put leaves and stuff in it will this work??




  1. whoa, r u serious!!

    i dont know how to care for it, but thats awesome!!

  2. i'm not tooo sure but i would give it some heat and make sure it's not some where it can fall [obviously haha] ... like keep it on a blanket/towel with a heat lamp or something warm beaming down on it so it can stay warm :)

    that's very exciting!!

  3. maybe you should put it in a basket with a cloth in it then place it under a light bulb.........that's just a suggestion.

  4. leave them where they are and le t them naturly hatch

  5. well put it on a moist bedding,and make sure the egg doesnt turn over because it will drown the embreyo and try and get the tempatures to 81 so you can have a female gecko! :D

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