
How do i care for...?

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how do i care for an baby squirrel?

its eyes has not opened yet.

i think its right nostril is bleeding.

i have it wrapped up in a blanket.

i have a dropper that i use to give it milk and i loves it.

but i am just crying and worried if its going to be okay after the fall from the tree and its bloody nose.

i just left it alone for now but i hope it'll be okay.


do it for the poor baby squirrel.




  1. Don't give this baby regular cows milk.  Give canned milk or go to the store and get Esbilac for dogs.  Cows milk is hard to digest for any baby animal.  Keep it warm and feed every two to three hrs.  You will have to take a wet paper towel and wipe it's genitals to get it to defecate and urinate or it won't make it as the mother does this for several weeks.  It needs a heating pad set on lowest setting covered with a towel.  I raised one with a litter of puppies and the Mother dog did all the work, he is now back in the wild and every once in awhile I think I see him flying thru the trees.  Good luck.

  2. he could make it......but be ready for the worst though. go to a pet store or vet office and buy powdered kitten milk. the dropper is good but make sure that you feed it to him slowly to not drown, and be POSSITAVE there aren't any are bubbles in the dropper. i'm not quit sure how old they should be befor the start to change their diet.......just google it i bet you'll get more answers for that. good luck! ( :

  3. Umm, maybe reffer to the vet? Or call them up and ask for advice.

    Umm, yes, the dropper with milk, keep doing that.

    Go out and buy baby food, you know, the mooshy stuff, and put that into the dropper, for feeding.

    Otherwise, for the bloody nose, its probably othing, but wipe the blood off, so it doesnt dry on, and keep an eye on the baby, make sure he/she's doing okay, every 3 minutes.

    You really shouldnt be taking care of this squirrel, but I'm glad your trying to help.

    Good job.
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