
How do i catch a green parrot?

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How do i catch a green parrot?




  1. Parrots are not easy to catch. I believe parrots like cashew nuts. So If I was trying to catch a parrot, I would use cashew nuts as bait.

    Then you are going to need a big net.

    I think it would be easier to buy a parrot at a pet store.

  2. I just caught my green parrot she flew out my door and up into the tree. We had to talk her back down. We also had to climb a ladder then give her a twig to stand on so we could bring her to ground level she was very high in the tree.

    I don't know where you live but I am starting a bird directory page where you might find a breeder that can help you. Please check out my page at

  3. YOU DONT CATCH 1!!!!!!!!!!!!! U BUY 1!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  4. go buy 1, or u'd have to go 2 the tropical rain forest and climb 2 their nest, then they'll attack u

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