
How do i catch a rabbit?

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Where i do security at their is this really cute rabbit that's always staring at me.I tried to catch it many times but its so incredibly fast.I leave and than come back a few minutes later and it sits in the same spot again just looking at me.If i threw an empty beer bottle at it would it hurt it too much?You guys got any ideas on a safer way to catch it:)




  1. Leave the bunny alone, it's a wild animal.

  2. should it in the foot with a pellet gun then take it to the vet to have it patched up! OR, you could just shoot it in the face and have dinner!

    Monkeez, you're the one catching rabbits and Im the idiot? All I can say is "wow".

    AND, for everyone in this post, its Voila, not WA LA. Just thought you ought to know.

  3. Ive caught several rabbits.. There just soooo cute!!  Try getting a cheap long fish net and use that !! Ot through a sheet over it , but besure u get behind it before you do it or it will sneak out !! LOL .. Be careful caus sometimes they can carry stuff that will effect domestic animals .. and WHY THE HECK DID YOU THROUGH A BEER BOTTLE AT IT ??? THAT WILL JUST MAKE IT MORE SCARED !!!

    Good Luck

  4. Well in the cartoons , Elmer Fudd always asks everyone to be very very quiet and he carries a big shot gun around with him. But be careful because wabbits are wiley creatures and they are always tricking Elmer into shooting himself. Perhaps you could take some tips from Daffy Duck, although he never catches the wabbit either.

  5. what about a box with a string and a carrot under it? You can balance the box on a stick w/ a string tied to it and put a carrot under it. When the wascaly wabbit jumps under the box to get the carrot pull the string and WA LA ~ you have caught your self a bunny wabbit !!!  

  6. hello there

    first of all,you must know wild rabbits don't do well in captivity.they easily die when humans capture them.

    do not throw an empty bottle at it.seriously,it might KILL him.

    if you insist on catching the rabbit,just set a food trap on it,carrots and other veggies.when it put its guard down,catch it.simple.

    although i still insis on letting it be on the wilderness...

  7. the gotcha person is an idiot. ignore them. no throwing beer bottles at rabbits, fragile bones, try throwning a towel or blanket over it then grabbing it in that, keeps you from getting scratched and gets you a pet, just let it have a place to breathe...

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