
How do i catch someone out who says they have there driving test and dont??

by  |  earlier

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please answer!!




  1. You don't HAVE a "driving test".   If they claim they passed it, ask to see their license.   No license, no test.

  2. What does it matter? If their lying, just wait...lies always come back to bite you.  

    There's really no way you can go behind their back and find.  All of their information is protected by HIPPA laws.

  3. call their bluff?

  4. First and foremost you will need to return to the school system that told you that you had received a proper education and show them your question.

    If they tell you that your English is fine; proceed.  Contact a lawyer, because you and your parents have been cheated.

  5. I haven't the foggiest notion of what you are trying to ask....?

  6. yeah sir. please rephrase?

    why would someone lie about a driving test tho?

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