
How do i catch this hamster?

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we lost our hamster. we think we know where it is. how can we get it out?




  1. just stay away from hem when he starve  he  well get out  my hamster did that too!

  2. Sit very quietly with something to block his retreat, when he comes out, slap a cup or bowl over him and then slid a piece of cardboard under slowly until the bottom is covered.  Turn the whole thing over carefully holding it together. This way he doesn't get excited and bite you. Be care full, depending on the hamster and the length of time he has experienced Freedom, he might be a little nippy for a while. Tip the bowl into his cage and let him chill for a few before you try to hold on to him.

    Use bread ties to secure all sliding doors and feeders. I have found an aquarium with a screened hood is the best containment system for small rodents. Using the colorful plastic tubes and stuff for play time. Make sure he has a running wheel and we have fun making houses and tunnels out of card board toilet paper and Paper towel tubes, small cardboard boxes and close pins make great little castles or other types of hideaways. They love to chew their own doors and windows and it makes them happy. Just be sure not to use any thing painted with toxic materials. Good luck in the hunt.

  3. Close all the windows and doors and put some hamster food and some vegetables on the floor. Be always on the look out when you walk, as you might not see your hamster and could hurt it. If the hamster is hungry, surely it will come out for the food. Also you can place it's cage (open) on the floor; usually if the hamster sees the cage, the hamster will go in it. Or else you may opt for the hamster bucket system. Place a bucket with a stand for the hamster to climb into – and place some hamster food and vegetables in the bucket. When the hamster reaches the top, he will go smell the food, fall into the bucket and will be unable to climb up again. The only problem is that the hamster could get injured when it falls into the bucket, so pile up lots of soft bedding for a soft landing.  

  4. Are there any treats he loves? use that as a lure to coax him out.. GOOD LUCK!

  5. my best experience with convincing my hammy ti return was to bring home a female hammy in heat! lol dead serious. but another time we but out treats, not food, and set up a water bottle taped to the wall.... and sat and waited, it worked.  

  6. Try putting its favorite food somewhere. It'll get hungry now or later.

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