
How do i change mah rabbits diet?

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ok my rabbit stopped eatin his dinner so how do i change him onto another food without makin him ill

thanx sophie




  1. depends on what you are changing it too. As a rabbit breeder, I would advise that you feed you rabbits hay. Like, horse hay. Or timothy hay. The pellets are condenced hay, with perservitives adn are not as good for rabbits as hay. Hay is sooo much better for them. Its fresher, and they like it a ton more.

    If you change you rabbits food to hay, put hay in the cage, and slowy put less and less pellets in the cage so that he gets used to the hay.

    If you are chnaging to a diffrent brand of pellets, you dont need to worry about them getting sick. they should be fine!

  2. Make sure he has lots of hay, water, vegetables and a dried food.

    Changing his diet shouldn't be a problem.

    If he's eating maybe something is wrong.

    See if his teeth are a good size and then consider taking him to the vets because something more/bigger could be wrong.

    Good luck,

    Amy xx

  3. you mixx your rabbits food with the new one and the food your rabbits are eating for about 8 days putting more of the new food in each day

  4. You need to gradually mix the new diet in with the old diet. This prevents the stomach from going into a state of shock and developing symptoms such as diarhhea.

    For example:

                            Old Diet           New Diet

    Day 1                 90%                  10%

    Day 2                 80%                  20%

    Day 3                 70%                  30%

    Day 4                 60%                  40%

    and so on...

  5. Forget crazy diets for losing weight.. Acai Berry is this new product I've been trying after seeing it on Oprah. I'm already seeing results!! You should give it a shot, here's a special link for a free 14-day trial.

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