
How do i change my dogs habits without feeling cruel?

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I have a 6month old king charles spaniel. For the first 4 months of having him i let him free in our garden to do his buisness, then i had the garden landscaped with a large lawn for the kids and a patio area. The dog has been doing his buisness everywhere (obviously because he was allowed to before the landscape) but it's making it unhealthy for the kids specially when fouling on the grass. I built the dog a large run with a kennel on a slabbed area to do his buisness that i could easily wash down after him, the problem now is no matter how long i leave him in his run he won't do any buisness, infact recently i left him in there 9 hours just so he would do something that i could fuss him for but he wouldn't even pee until i let him out, he would rather go onto the lawn or into the house and pee than in the run. I just don't know what to do, i feel cruel leaving him in there for long periods. Any advice on how i can change his habits would be great.





  1. matt maybe you should try walking him on a leash when he goes have a bag ready pick it up take him back to the run and put it there try that for a wail and lots of praise  bye you doing that it will help him to know that he should be going there and not on the lawn as they so do love to please you hope it works out for you

  2. It may be that the dog doesn't want to go on the slab and prefers the grass.  I would try that first.

  3. I think its great that you are worried about his feelings,nice to hear.What has happen is going potty on the grass has become a habit that means it can be changed.This can be turned around with time. Feed this little guy then off to the kennel leave him in the kennel until he goes,he will after a while,it just takes time to make changes happen and after all you are doing whats right for your kids.Tilks Mom

  4. set of a corner of the garden or start walking your dog more often so he can do his pooping buisnis then

    he can pee on the grass this soak into the ground no worry, dogs also dont need to p**p everyday and if they get an established rutine that they get the option to p**p somewhere else then their living habitat, they usualy will choose this

  5. You could always walk him...

    Then he wouldn't need to p**p in the garden!

  6. get a piece of sod from the nursery and place it in his run.  He should start going on that.  After he has started going on the sod for a couple of weeks remove it.  You may have to replace it a couple of times.  He should them be acclimated to going in his run by then,.

    Add:  He goes on your other concrete slab because his "potty" scent is already there.  Do the above and also, put some of his scent in his run.  you can use a rag that you used to clean up one of his "accidents"  Or put a small peice of one of his poops where you want him to go.

  7. My dog doesn't like to go on concrete, either. Maybe you could add a small grassy area for him in his run.  

  8. Given the choice, dogs always prefer to go on grass not concrete. Your dog was used to going on grass and obviously doesn't feel it's "right" to go on the slabs. Why not fence off a small piece of grass for him & teach him to go in that area.

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