
How do i change my good girl image?

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so i go to a highschool where the typical "hot" pretty girls with short skirts and cropped tops get all the hot guys all over them. the girls are easy, shallow girls who are obviously used.

i used to be one of them in middle school or at least i thought i was.

then, highschool happened.

i lost my best friend because she became a s**t and i lost touch with everyone i knew. the only guy who i really really liked and might've loved moved away so i was alone. i was really depressed and the only thing going for me was school work. i had no friends. i spent my time at the library during lunch breaks and i was depressed. i got all a's in everything and i beat myself down if i got any c's or that sort. it's not like people didn't like me, they just realized i changed. i started to wear conservative clothing and no make up with curly hair so everyone noticed i looked tired all the time. my old friends knew me as the goody two shoes.

all the guys know me as the prude weird virgin

and all my peers just think i'm different and strange.

this has made me really strong, but i am tired of being depressed and alone. is it wrong that i want to feel loved?

i want a guy telling ME i'm PRETTY! and i want people to know i can be bad.

how? how can i loosen up and not be such a goddam prude. how do i get attention from all the hot guys?

i know i sound like a follower, but i'm not.

im a really tough person, also sensitive (i get hurt fast)

i want to spice up my look and my attitude so people don't see me as such a goody two shoes...what can i do?

(i know this is like really long, but lol i'm a fast typer)




  1. You sound just like me. I know exactly what you are talking about. High school really is a bad deal, the only advice I can give you is to get through it as painlessly as possible until you hit college, then everything changes... for the better, I wish they would let you choose to skip high school and go straight to college. There is no weird stupid social clicks and everyone is friendly, I have not met a single mean person here. Don't try to be someone you are not. Just be who you are comfortable with. If you are comfortable, then you will be more confident. Also, don't be in such a rush to find a guy, odds are you won't stick long with him anyway. If it is meant to be, it will happen. You have your whole life to look for love and High school is not a good place to start. I know how much it sucks to be in a situation like that, if you want, you can talk to me on yahoo messenger anytime, Remember, time heals all wounds. Hope things get better for you.  

  2. That's high school. After high school none of that matters. Don't do something stupid that you're going to end regretting. Is it really worth it, doing some dumbass thing just to prove you're not a goody two shoes? If they think you are, tell them to **** off (I do, anywhere). I'm a "goody two shoes" (don't drink, don't smoke, what do ya do? lol. I LOVE that song), and I have guys tell me I'm pretty. Just joke around more or something, it worked for me. ;) Dress nice or something. All you have to do is make a change. Wear a little make-up, some nice clothes (don't over do it with short skirts, etc.). Stand out. Guys like that. Whether it's being mysterious or always wearing bright colors and not wearing the typical ARGH.....American Eagle clothes.  But  you're pretty shallow if you only want attention from hot guys. Maybe that's your problem. You need to broaden your expectations, so maybe you wouldn't be disappointed often.

  3. you are not a prude. What would make you a prude is if you treated s*x like it was something bad and dirty, and surpressed your natural curiousities. Just because you aren't a hoe and don't dress liek one doesn't make you a prude. lol just keep doing wat ur doing. you don't need the approval from guys, you should already know your all that. you don't need to be a s***k to get guys (at least the nice guys) to notice you. Forget the pigs they won't respect you anyway if you act like that. Find a nice guy who will treat you right. Put effort into your appearence, and buy that i don't mean revealing and that should grab a guys attention. Be freindly and approachable...

    They don't bother with you b/c they feel u arent easy, they are just young boys, in time they will mature, and guess wat they will be looking for? a nice girl like you, not some hoe they abused and used when they were younger...

    STAY TRUE TO YOU...Don't fall into that trap...GL! you will be just fine :) (While all the s****s are stuck with kids/stds, and you r in college futhering your

    ~chai ;)

  4. You don't have to dress S****y to look hot. Are you kidding me?

    Dude, idk where you live, but if you dress S****y down here, guys don't WANT you. They just wanna f**k. You could just wear a little mascara. Curly hair is pretty. :)

  5. Above all, be yourself.  Don't be "bad" for the sake of being bad, be what you are.

    Look inside yourself and find out why you allow yourself to "get hurt fast". Confidence is the biggest turn-on of them all; clinginess, neediness, and insecurity are the biggest turn-off.  Get your strength from within yourself, and people will be naturally attracted to you.

    Don't try to be something that you're not just to try to get someone interested in you;  you have to find someone who will love the real you.  Step one is feeling good about yourself; the rest will take care of itself.  Don't worry about what other people think (within reason).  You alone have to decide who and what you are; otherwise, you'll spend your life blowing like a leaf in the wind, changing yourself to please this person or that person.  Please yourself, and you will be "hot".

  6. You're not a follower for wondering if changing your image might make you happier! Congratulations for getting away from a bad crowd and concentrating more on your studies--your future will thank you for it. :)

    A key point when you're trying to get attention from guys is making sure that you're getting attention from the RIGHT guys. There's nothing wrong with wearing some basic makeup (foundation, minimal eye makeup, lip gloss) to clean up your appearance on a day-to-day basis--but you don't want to go trolling for the wrong kind of attention by wearing overly s**y clothing that makes you feel uncomfortable. Try going to some stores you don't normally shop in and trying on some cute outfits--many stores like American Eagle, Banana Republic, and Old Navy have cute outfits that aren't overly revealing! This way, you're still comfortable, you're still being yourself, and by looking better it might make you feel better and give you a little more confidence to approach guys you wouldn't normally approach!

    Just remember: never sell yourself short to get the attention of a guy. It really is true that a good guy will be attracted to you because of your personality; looking a little bit more pulled-together just might give you a little more confidence!!

  7. actually, i kno how u feel.  im a senior this yr and for the first time i am finally being around friends who like me.  

    basically, wat i did was start hangin wit a different crowd....since my school is so small we only have the "good crowd" (which i am no longer a part of) and the "bad crowd" (whom everyone hates).  

    I've always been conservative about everythin, im gonna wind up graduatin at the top of my class, but i still always felt depressed cuz if i did ANYTHIN wrong, my "friends" would look down on me.  but a couple of weeks ago, i did somethin that is so not like me.  one of the seniors was throwin a party and i had gotten invited.  so me and two of my close friends (theyre girls)  decided to go.  well one of my former friends got upset when i told her i was goin, but i dint give a d**n!  i went and had a few drinks and let everyone kno that im no different than they are! ever since that night I have enjoyed my life!!!  

    now im not sayin to jus go party, but im sayin do wat makes YOU feel good.  u can wear the things the hot girls wear and not b a s**t, and if anyone tells u anythin about bein prude tell them that at least ur not a big fat w***e! ha!

    anyways, idk if this helped,,,,lol!

  8. A change in wardrobe, or going somewhere where a lot of people go to hang out, is cool, but you don't have to become a s**t or shallow just to have fun. Some makeup would be ok, if that's what you want to do, but - as a dude - walking around looking like the joker is NOT cool at all. I mean, you don't have to wear ankle length skirts (not saying that you do) to have self respect, but you also don't have to wear a booty skirt to loosen up and have fun. Doing that would just cause you to beat yourself up as you're doing now.

    It's nothing wrong with having high expectations, or wanting to do good, but you don't have to beat yourself up over little things like a B or a C. Life goes on, your GPA won't suffer that much, you'll still be alive the next day, you'll still get a chance to get a better grade on the next assignment or get some extra credit, etc. That's nothing, although it might not seem like "nothing" to you.

    My story is similar to yours in a way, so I can kind of relate to how you feel. It's good your experiences made you stronger (like they did me). That means that you won't, or shouldn't, fall for some of the games that people play, or won't fall to peer pressure as easily.

    For example, I smoke but I don't drink or take any other kind of drugs (not saying that you have to, but just using myself as an example). Now I've had access to drinks, and been to places where people do alot of drinking (I'm in college), but I know I don't have to drink just to fit in or have a good time. I won't sacrifice my values just to be accepted by somebody else.

    And (this is the end, promise) you don't have to sacrifice your values (whatever they may be) just to be accepted. I'm sure there is somebody somewhere that would accept you the way you are.


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