
How do i change my text on myspace?

by  |  earlier

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i found some codes i could use but i dont know if i put them after every word, sentence or what. how do i do this? also, how do i change my text when i type a bulletin? help plz?




  1. <b> TEXT HERE</b>

    you can get color codes and stuff from


  3. it depends what you want to do..

    on your codes put them where it tells you to, most you just add once somewhere in your about me section.

    and for the text, theres many many many html codes.

    like if you want to bold <b> TEXT BETWEEN HERE </b>

    italics <i> TEXT BETWEEN HERE </i>

    underline <u> TEXT BETWEEN HERE </u>

    or if you ment size then just do <small> or something like <font size=10px>  

    or colors.. <font color=salmon>

  4. right, if you want to change the boldness, italic etc, just type:

    <b>TEXTHERE</b> (bold)

    <i>TEXT HERE</i>(italic)

    <u>TEXT HERE</u> (underline)


    and then if you want to change the font;

    <font family="times new roman">texthere</font>

    the times new roman is an example, whatever font you want insert it in there :)

    and if you want to change the size of it:

    <font size="6">text here</font>

    again the 6 is an example. :)

    hope i helped!

  5. OK :)

    So you wanto change the Style of texts On bullitens??

    Bold ? <b> Text Here </b>

    Italic ? <i> Text here </i>

    Underline ? <u> Text here </u>

    Center ? <center> Text here </center>

    If you need any more help on myspace

    Just message me at :)

    Hope i helped you

    & p.s When you wanna do something bold then at the end of each thing always put / On it like this : <b> Text </<--------b>

  6. <big>text here</big>[medium]

    <font size=100>text here</font> huge text

    <font color=font color here>text here</font>[colored text]

    <small>text here</small>[small]

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