
How do i change my yahoo on this katie r name??

by  |  earlier

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i really need to change it cuse my names not even katie....can i chnage it if so how?




  1.    Click the "My Profile" link at top right of most any Y! Answers page. Then click the "Edit My Info" link which appears in the top left block of content. Select the third choice, "Use another nickname" then enter the nickname you wish to use, scroll down and click the Preview button and if it looks good click "OK". That will change your name on Y! Answers.

       This affects only how you are seen on Y! Answers, it does nothing to your main Yahoo! profile.

       If any of the responses you've received satisfactorily answer your question please select it as Best Answer instead of allowing your question to go into voting. There are too many cheaters using multiple accounts to vote themselves undeserved Best Answer points for answers which are often wrong or totally irrelevant.

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