
How do i change the cage or even clean it with out putting the babies mice in harm?

by Guest10793  |  earlier

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what should i do if i have two mother mice and two litters of babies in two separate cages but i think that the cages they are in now will be too small for the mother and babies so i want to move them all into a bigger cage together but I'm afraid that the mothers will freak out if the are put into the same cage with a different litter.

can anyone help? cause i also don't want to disturb the babies.




  1. How big are the cages?

    You would be suprised at the space females are comfortable living in while they have babies. They don't wander far from the nest - and are usually with the babies 90% of the time anyway.

    I would just keep them in the cages they are currently in and wait until the babies are old enough to wean ( 21 - 25 days old ). If you really have to shift them, wait until the babies have their eyes opened and are walking around a little bit - and watch for any signs of serious fighting between the females.

    Good luck.

  2. you can put the two mother mice in a different cage with new litter

    but if they have toy's or any other thing they have you can put it in the cage too so it can give them comfort while the get to know their new surroundings  

  3. no leave it like you have it now the moms will attack and kill each other and eat the babies.  Just wait until the babies are about 4 weeks and move them into the bigger cage. As far as cleaning just don't desturb the nest clean around it.  Make sure to take mom out before you start cleaning or she'll freak out.

  4. As they say you should leave the mother and the babies for two weeks, as the mother might eat her babies under depression as she might be stressed if she feels her babies are in harm. Unfortunately, you might have a smelly room. You're going to have to leave it for two weeks. It's the only way. Plus, you can't seperate the mother from it's babies as it needs it's mother's milk.

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