
How do i change the gear oil of my 1974 british silver seagull outboard motor??

by  |  earlier

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its an old outboard motor and i lost the owner's manual. I don't know where to drain and fill the sae 140 grade gear oil.




  1. you know what i never heard of it

    go to this web site and register theres no charge and the people are very helpful  i belong to it also

    then go to the repair section  they will help you

  2. I have heard of seagull motors. They are OK motors..  They are 2 stroke motors..  You mix the oil with the gas...  As far as greasing the gears you need a grease pump gun

  3. If yours is a typical Seagull, the bottom housing is bulbous in shape and has a nylon plug the the forward end.  Remove this plug and let the old oil drain out.  Flip the engine over and refill to the edge of the internal threads, then replace the plug.

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