
How do i cheat im ready but dont want to get caught ?

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How do i cheat im ready but dont want to get caught ?




  1. Huh?

    Leave your spouse at home all the time running your family. Don't ever call or check in on their well being. Only look out for yourself. Don't even open up or leave your stuff laying around. Never let your spouse look at your computer or your cell phone. Be a closed book. Leave at random times to "run an errand" and leave for hours. Make tons of money so your spouse has time to shop when you are not at home. Get your wife a personal trainer so she can look hot and cheat on you so you won't feel so guilty.  

  2. You're worried about getting caught cheating? How come you're not worried about getting HIV/HPV - Crabs, Clamitia, tricomonus, PID....

    Re-adjust your priorities... getting caught cheating should be the last of your worries......

  3. The first thing is to change the easily identifiable name on your Instant Messenger.

  4. Well, if you afraid the heat than don't come near the kitchen.

    Other wise required firer to cook foods, and firer is head.

  5. Just be VERY careful, most women do but never admit it. Just keep it quiet and NO, I am NOT available!!!

  6. Anytime you cheat you are taking the risk of getting caught. Sorry, but the truth usually does come out.  

  7. i think you should just get out of the relationship your in if you want to cheat then you cant be a selfish *** 'heart breaker' you'll get caught trust me cheaters always do.  

  8. dont work on the corner to close your house

  9. you shouldnt, its wrong to the one your seeing

  10. if only there was a way for me to reach through the computer and smack you in the face with a wet pancake...  you're a pig

  11. So, why did you get married?  People who cheat absolutely disgust me.  

  12. Can make an omlet without cracking a few eggs oh dense one.

  13. you  wana know how to  not get caught DON"T DO IT  thas how,  buy an  dildow or  a  plactic pusey.   im thinking of  doing  that   my bf wont have s*x  he says  he is  to  (tired).

  14. i agree with sexytime

  15. r u F****** serious my cousin just got divorced cuz her husband cheated on her and left her w/ her two kids don't do that to ur wife/husband

  16. Well out out for a pack to cigs, gallon of milk or whatever - tell your spouse that you'll be right back - and then dont come home for 2 days. And make sure you come home smelling like s*x and have them sprinkle some of their purfume/colone on you.  You'll never be caught by doing these things - I promise. :)

  17. In order to cheat and not get caught--- you have to 1. cover your tracks (erase texts, emails, calls, and voicemail's).. 2. always have an alibi (and make sure your alibi know their your alibi!!).. 3. don't act suspicious, or do anything differently!! (a lot of times when people cheat, their so guilty they start acting suspicious!! try acting regular so you don't get yourself caught!

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