
How do i check my answers to my own questions?

by Guest31601  |  earlier

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i dont know how





  1. You can't answer your own questions on Yahoo Answers. Sorry!

    If you, however, want to see your questions, just click on your username...

    (For those wondering, I'm not staff. I am sounding like one though!)

  2. go to ur pic and click on it then click on the question and that will give u the answers to your own questions.

  3. go to my Q&A

  4. on the green band at the top of the page hit my Q& A

  5. u cant answer ure own ?'s if that's what you meant

  6. Click on your username which is currently listed on the upper right hand corner as a hyper-text link.

  7. green band @ the top of the page my Q&.A

  8. On the green band below the ask.    answer.     discover    go to my QandA

  9. Go to the upper right hand corner under ask, answer and discover. You will find my Q & A, click on that and you find what your looking for.

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