
How do i clean acrylic paint from a carpet?

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How do i clean acrylic paint from a carpet?




  1. Try nail Polish remover

  2. Denatured alcohol ..I am a painter of 37 years and we have used denatured alcohol to clean water based paints(latex/acrylics) out of carpets and upholstery for years..It will not take the dye out of the carpets , unlike oops or goof off will, which will soon be suggested to use soon I'm sure.. i will post this then come back and edit some resources and a picture of me on my jobsite..I am in fact A painter...Here is a picture of it but it is avaialble at Wal Mart,Home Depot,Lowes <ace HardwaRE etcetra in quarts..

    At the bottom of this link it also suggests using denatured alcohol for dried latex paints..

  3. You can get Acrylic paint brush cleaner in any craft store. Make solution of the cleaner with equal amount of water and dab on the stain. Use paper towels to pick up the paint. Good luck.

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