
How do i clean my glass steamroller pipe?

by  |  earlier

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this isn't a stemroller truck, for all of those who are confused

im talking about the piece you smoke with

i have a glass one

its pretty much a tube with a bowl on top

its about a foot long

i dunno how im supposed to clean it

do i just pour water in it?




  1. Welllllll....if you have a pot big enough for it to fit in, you should fill the pot with water, put the steamroller in it, and boil the h**l out of it. and all the nasty stuff inside will just come out.... but if you dont have a foot long pot lol... you should just fill it with hot water, and cover all the holes (you might need someone to help you), and shake it... just do that a bunch of times..i use rubbing alcohol to clean bowls. you should do like half hot water, half rubbing alcohol maybe since steamrollers are so big

  2. vineger works then do as above

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