
How do i clean my retainer?

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I just got my braces off and they gave me a plastic retainer but they never told me how to clean it. so i need to know how..




  1. You should soak it in denture cleaner. Don't leave it out for too long though if you orthodontist told you not to. It will clean it better than using a toothbrush and toothpaste. Just leave it in there for 30 minutes or so.

  2. Brush the inside and out like you would with your teeth (with toothpaste too). And congratulations on getting ur braces off!

  3. Toothpaste will work ok. Denture cleansers are not recommended. Have to soak too long for tablet to dissolve. My dentist explained his recommendation for RetainerFresh. It does not contain soap that can break down plastic and only needs to soak 5 minutes to work. No waiting on tablet to dissolve. You can order it online.

  4. use toothpast and scrub it with your toothbrush.

    Then rinse  it off.

  5. While you are brushing your teeth run them under the tap and once a week clean them with soap and water

    Congratulations on having your braces off


  6. brush it with your toothbrush and toothpaste and soak it in the denture cleaner tabs at least a couple times a week

  7. um while your brushing your teeth, just quickly brush over your retainer and rinse it away with water. put them back in your mouth,, and gargle some mouthwash.

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