
How do i clean my the screen on my flat screen tv?

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can i use any cleaner on on my flat tv screen or if not how do i clean it if theres a smudge on screen




  1. just a cloth and water (or cleaning fluid)

  2. i was told only to use a damp cloth,no cleaners as they supposedly ruin the screen

  3. its harder than u think isnt it, we tried doing it and it just leaves smudges that we cant get rid of.....we got told to buy glsdd cleaner like windowlene or something like that

  4. Ask at Maplins they have all kinds of gear for cleaning tech screens.

  5. Step1

    Disconnect the power to your TV before you clean it each time. This is much safer and it will allow you to see the smudges and dirt better.


    Choose either lukewarm water or a cleaning solution to clean your TV. Commercial cleaning kits that include both a cloth and cleaning solution are available. These cleaning solutions are specially formulated to clean flat screen TVs and monitors safely and are specifically labeled safe for "laptop screen" or "LCD screen." If you wish to use a solution, you must use one of these.


    Dampen a soft cloth (preferably chamois, micro fiber or 100 percent cotton) with either the lukewarm water or cleaning solution. Just a gentle wiping of the screen is enough. Rubbing, scrubbing and hard pressure can damage the screen.


    Dust your TV and its screen on a regular basis. Excessive dust can and will damage any electronic device.

    Dont use cleaner.

    Tom Masters

  6. E cloth clean safe, Plasma &LCD SCREEN PACK

  7. well if its an lcd use lcd cleaner frm staples bout £3, if it plasma jus use glass cleaner and a cloth-i do! hope this helps!

  8. Not easy is it?? I use a damp cloth once a week when our dog has a bath and shakes all over the tv.

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