
How do i clear up my acne?

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School starts in a few days and i want to clear it up the best i can any good ideas and i cant get any medication




  1. wash your face with soap and water everyday...warm water while you're washing then cold water to rinse it off. don't scrub to hard. put on a face mask once or twice a week. since you can't get medicine, try baking sounds silly but it works! when you go to the doctor's, tell them your situation (that you can't get to a dermatologist i guess?) and they are allowed to get you some sorts of creams like differin or benzaclin...i've used both and they work really well! you really should be using some sort of medicine..even if it's over the counter like clearasil. nothing will make your acne better over night...and be careful of putting toothpaste all over your face like that other girl said, it dries your face out A LOT!

  2. try lemon juice on zits

    it helps me

    and it's cheap

  3. try to go to a dermatologist and ask for free samples of duac and differin. duac is for the day and differin at night. if you cannot do this, then go to a drug store/grocery store and buy neutrogena spot treatment that has salisylic acid or benzoyl peroxide. also buy a face wash with one of these in it and use it when you wake up and before you go to bed.


  5. put toothpaste on your face before going to sleep

    its what i do

  6. Try washing your face with soap and water,

    you'd be surprised on how well it works. (:

  7. Clearsil.

    It wont work right away (actually it made me break out right at first)

    but i had CLEAR skin! (until i went on vacation and the water screwed it up. Im still recovering! lol!)

  8. i had the same problem , school starts soon for me too =(, just the other day i had a cut on my leg and put some neosporine on it... i thought if neosporine heals, tries to prevent scaring, and kills bacteria on my cut, why not put it on my acne. so the next morning when i woke up i looked in the mirror and omfg my face looked really bad. everything was all red and irritated and big and everywhere ughhh. it was just a nightmare. i remembered my thought about the neosporine and decided to try it.i washed my face with my normal routine, and applied the neosporine to the red pimples( i read not to use too much, because it is bad for you, and you can build up a resistance) and omg i noticed the difference in like a half hour!!! and at the end of the day my face looked like 80% better. the next day (today) it looked so good that i didn't even have to do it again!!! i am really happy that it worked and you really should try it!!!! i used the regular neosporine, not the pain relief stuff. good luck!

  9. well i understand that you can't get a medication, but if you have to get a physical done, ask your doctor for a prescription to Differin. it is very effective.

  10. to spot treat put a lil baking soda on affected area, or go buy the armon hammer toothpaste and spot treat. what works fast for my overall face is neutrogena stress control wash/scrub....and buy a oil control masque to use one to twice weekly. those are good things you can use at home that aren't too pricey

  11. Get something that has micro beads in it (those little tiny beads that really scrub your face). They get all of the oil out and make you feel very fresh. Olay and Neutrogena both have great products for cleaning up acne. Just look for something with NO OIL in it, because that will just make things worse.


  12. actually i found normal soap (like the bar) worked awesome! but a light moisTURIZER ONN . moisture is important!....face scrubs are good to. and flip your pilllow or wash its case....the grems and oil on there are bad and make u break can the oil on your hair so get those bags offa ur forehead to...gooood luck

  13. Go to Walmart or a local store like that. Get a Neutrogena face scrub and some facial wipes with salicylic acid. Get benzoyl Peroxide (persa gel). Also get a moisturizer because these things can dry your face out. Everytime you use the bathroom, wash your face with water, and use these products like twice a day. I use the wipes midday, and I use the other two products in the morning and at night.

  14. Im in the same position !!

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