
How do i completely delete my pc's hard drive including windows

by  |  earlier

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my old pc is completely buggered and i want to blank everything and install linux on it or possible windows vista.

any advice would be much appreciated.




  1. create yourself a dos bootdisk and start the pc with your disc in the A drive. the A drive needs to be  bootable((setting for boot options in the bios) .....type fdisk at the dos prompt  and accept the larger disc... then del the drives, if there are ntfs drives they will appear as non-dos drives and when you restart all will be lost....then re-enter fdisk and create partition and if you want format it for the new operating system  

  2. Go to your hard rive in My Computer and right click it. Go to "format", that should do it!

  3. If u have windows XP,it's easy as  clicking 1-2-3.Go to help and look up partitioning hard drive.The XP version guides you right through it!


    Install this program and it will completely wipe your drive and its free.

  5. It's called Format. If you need to ask, maybe you should not try it.  

  6. Get a UBUNTU CD and put it in. When you install it it will wipe Windows completely.

  7. Download 'Boot & Nuke' harddrive wipe (iso image file)

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