
How do i confront a guy whom i dated before and turns out that he studys in the same college as mine?

by  |  earlier

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Okay, this too awkward!!!! I mean i dated him and even got my first kiss with him. But this was 2 years ago. Now i got into this amazing university which is way cool. ANd yes he is there. I mean i just dated him right and he probably forgot me too. And anyway he was a playboy and a majour cheater, so why should i bother. My only problem is that how should i react if he says hi. I mean i have laready planned that i will ignore him either way. but i would like your adivises too. Thanks =D*




  1. Let the past be the past. If he say's "hi" ignore him or just nod.  You were fortunate that you only kissed him. Look what Brad did to Jennifer with Angelina, I guess you remember Jennifer from "Friends" right?      

  2. Just say Hi!

  3. If you don't want to be friends or try to start a relationship with him again, I wouldn't suggest seeking him out. It sounds like you didn't end things on a positive note 2 years ago, so telling him off now will probably come off as a little desperate.

    If you see him, be polite and friendly. You have your own life now, and it sounds like you're happy. His behavior is his problem.

  4. For me, better to answer "hello"

  5. he didnt forget you, just like u didnt forget him, he is probably feeling the same as you. Dont be nasty if he talks to you, just say hi in passing, but i wouldnt make a point to find him and say hello

  6. Do exceptionally well and let him see that you've moved on, denting his ego a tad.

    Go girl!

  7. act like you dont recognise him. if he says hi, say hey, its been ages ey! but play it cool, like you have hardly noticed that hes there

  8. Unless you two bump into each other, its not really nessecary for you to initiate a conversation with him. If you do chat, keep it casual and natural. There's a little history there with your first kiss but the way you described him, it doesn't sound like it was all fireworks and bells, so you don't need to attempt to rekindle anything. Just be friendly and nice, but you don't have to be best buds with the guy. Good luck!

  9. He's one very small fish in a very big ocean.  IF you even run into him, there is no obligation to say anything at all.  Or, just go with the polite but noncommittal hello and let it go at that.   Personally, I'd forget all about him being there and enjoy my new friends and new life.  College is a time of great personal growth.  He doesn't need to be even a blip on your radar screen.

  10. Ignoring someone will only cause you stress.  If he says hi say something like well hello there how are you?  Being overly polite is the best way to handle a situation you aren't sure about.  Then if he reacts bad you look good and he looks like a jerk.

  11. just ignore him or just be civil... nothing else is needed...

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