
How do i connect both HDMI and digital Optical cable to TV and surround sound.?

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In my rogers HD box, i only have one HDMI input. therefor i can't use it to connect my surround sound.

The HDMI cable that i have only inputs from rogers box to tv but no surround sound

My problem is that, i want to connect HDMI and digital optical cable to the surround sound and TV.




  1. Assuming Rogers HD is a set-top box.

    Connect HDMI out from set-top to TV

    Connect digital audio out from set-top to AV receiver.

  2. Connect the audio "out" on the TV to the audio "in" on your surround sound receiver if you only have standard RCA connections. Or, if you have optical cable connections, use the digital audio "out" on the TV to the receiver's digital "in". Then make sure you select the proper input on the receiver to access that audio input.

    Your HDMI cable carries both audio and video signals to the TV. You can "tap into" the audio via the optical out on the TV.

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