
How do i connect my laptop to the internet?

by  |  earlier

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Ok i have HP wireless laptop and i have TREDnet wireless router...and my desktop PC has a COX high speed internet. How do i start to connect my laptop to the internet?? I have CD with my router...I tried to run it but it still not getting connection..




  1. Your wireless router needs to be setup between your desktop and your COX modem.  The CD (setup) is run on your desktop computer.  The setup will walk you thru what you need to do.  

    Once the wireless router is working you will be able to get you laptop working.  You shouldnt need to run the CD on the laptop at all.  Just make sure the wireless is working on the laptop (check in the control panel) and it should discover you wireless system all by itself.

    Suggestion.  Give your wireless router a unique name and password.  The unique name so you can tell its yours if there are others around.  The password so others can't hack into it.

  2. Before you do anthing  run setup off CD. During set up you will be instructed on how to hook your router up. Be careful to fllow the directions exactly on the CD or it will not work.

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