
How do i connect to other towns in animal crossing?

by  |  earlier

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i dont now how to do that? and if anyone helps me we can do it right now!

i neeed something called a friend number access code!




  1. I think you may need Wi-Fi connections to do this.

    I have been trying & I have realised that you need Wi-Fi.

    You can get several Wi-Fi hotspots, where while you are in these

    places, you can get Wi-Fi. You can sometimes get them on phones..

    My Mum has a phone & it has Wi-Fi on it..

    You need your internet connection name & you need to be close

    to get the access point.. If you click 'I want a friend code!' or something

    like that to Copper he'll try & connect & when it says it won't work he'll say; 'Do you want me to save your game so you can go & fix your

    Wi-Fi settings?' press 'Yes!' then he'll save it [this may take some time

    depending how long you've been on it] then Wi-Fi connections will come up. Press 'New Connection' & when it says 'How would you like

    to connect?' press 'Access point' then it should search for your internet

    for instance if you had BT it would probably say 'BT-Home-Hub-[Numbers Here]' then press that. Then you should hopefully be connected. But you do need a WEP-Key. For me I have a box so I

    look on the side & the WEP key is there.. I don't know what internet

    you have, so..

    Oh yes, by the way, I think you have to have wireless to get Wi-Fi..

    All the times I've connected is using a wireless access point,, so..

    Anyways, if you're connected.. then it might take you back to

    Animal Crossing or it might say 'Changes saved. Turn off now?' just

    press 'Yes' then sign off.. Then sign on again & hopefully you have it!

    Btw, I'm not 100% sure this'll work, but, hey, it can't hurt, can it?

    Jayde x

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