
How do i connect two car audio amps..?

by Guest60579  |  earlier

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im installing t new subs ..with a hyphonics amp the subs are 1.200 watts each..but i already have a kicker 750 watt amp with the wiring kit and stuff..but i have an extra sub laying around i wanna use that sub for that install 2 amps does that mean i have to install a whole wiring kit again ? for an extra amp and subwoofer help..




  1. Well, to start. I am a big advocate of keeping it simple. My setup involves 4 subs in one box on 1 amp, 12 mids and high on 1 amp. Cluttering your trunk with boxes, amps, and wires is the easiest way to get yourself into a cluster... you know what I mean

    But to answer your question power wire is rated to move a certain amount of current. 8 gauge wire over 12 feet should not move more than 30-40 amps or current, and 4 gauge wire over 12 feet should not move more than 100-125 amps of current. The easiest way to figure out the amp draw of your amplifiers is to look at the fuses they have on them. See what the fuses add up to, and then run the appropriate size power and ground wire.

    I also suggest running 1 appropriate sized wire and not 2 wires to make up for it. Two 8ga wires do not equal one 4ga wire in size. It also doubles your chance of ground loops or noise.

    8 gauge diameter =  8.0mm      surface area =   50.24 sq mm  

    4 gauge diameter = 19.0mm     surface area = 283.39 sq mm

    4 gauge is exponentially bigger. A lot of people don't understand that because 4 gauge is twice the diameter of 8 gauge. But not twice the area.

    And if you do this yourself don't just go out and buy a bigger power wire without also upgrading your ground wire!

    You can find a wire size chart at the link below if you need it. Compare watts to amps too. Not all amps are rated in true wattage. Trust only the fuses.

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