
How do i connect wireless without router?

by  |  earlier

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what happens at my house is that my parents are paranoid with plugs being left in over night, which is okay, I dont mind. But they insist in having the router (situated in the room they sleep in) turned off overnight in case of fire hazard.

I need some way of connecting to the internet without annoying them.

I'm on windows vista, and I have no close neighbours situated near my house as I am in quite a large spread-out area...

So is there anything I can do?




  1. I did have this problem, but i used a seperate dsl modem to dialup to, but i had to get there username and password (which i did lol)  

  2. Unless you get your own router and plug it in somewhere else, then no. Or, you could subscribe to mobile broadband, or try and turn it on.

  3. You can't connect wirelessly without a router.

    However if you have access to a phone point you could try doing it via this directly.

  4. Try WiMax IEEE 802.16.

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