
How do i constantly remind myself that gr.12 is my final and most important year?

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How do i constantly keep reminding myself that i better work my butt off or else i won't get into university...i keep getting distracted by video games




  1. Junior year was your most important year for colleges.

  2. Ahhh I know how you feel, it's my senior year too.

    If video games are your problem, the best thing to do is to pack it away until you feel you can manage everything efficiently...

    But, of course, that'll be a tad bit drastic.

    What some of my older friends found useful and what I'm about to do is find a poster or a print out a picture of the college you're looking to get into and put it by the door of your room (or also in your binder or other places where you loo regularly). That way every time you leave you'll be reminded of your goal and hopefully it'll keep you on track.

    Hope you find something that works for you, and good luck on your senior year!

  3. Well speaking as a former AP and Honor student, Senior year is the easiest year ever! Enjoy while it lasts. Have fun and explore. Take only 4 easy classes, before you start college. It's the last time you will get to slack off. Besides, getting into universities is a BREEZE just as long as you have a 2.5 to 3.0 gpa (preferably 3.0).

    My friend got a 1200 on her SAT's and a 2.1 gpa her senior year and she still got into Arizona State University lol.  

  4. Simply DECIDE within yourself that "good" is not good enough.

    Constantly make conscious effort to "go beyond the in-class requisites."

    Visit with many of the non-skilled workers, making a mental notation of what they did not do, post-graduation (if they even did that much "schooling.")

  5. Wrap up your gaming system, and put it away. Don't look at it, and don't think about it. You won't be tempted if you can't see it, right? Put reminders in your room, on your computer, on your phone. Ask your friends for help, ask them to remind you to crack down. Ask your parents.. on second thought, no. Don't ask your parents. ^_^  

  6. youre in grade 12 and youre sitting at home playing video games?!?!?! focus on school work during the week, and get out and party on the weekends!!!! im in grade 12 too, and thats all i want to do... forget video games!

  7. Actually, 11th grade was probably the most important year.  I hope you didn't peak too late.

  8. Put down the games for your butt off...then when you're done, reward yourself with the video games.  You'll feel better knowing that you've accomplished a small goal, and will help you get into the big goal (universities).

  9. The video games will always be there for you, but school needs to be taken care of now, while you're still young. Don't let that opportunity slip by. Go for it all the way. You will be so glad you did. I really hope you stick it out and follow your dreams and goals. I do wish you the best. Stay with it, you can and will succeed! Hey, remember to treat your self after you know you have studied good.  

  10. Actually, your junior year is what they mainly look at. It's because you apply for colleges during the beginning of your senior year. And they won't be able to see your final grades. But, your last senior year is important too, so don't completely slack off. Colleges will still look at your senior grades if they request a transcript. If you're planning to go to good or competitive colleges, you better do well on your grades.

    Oh and for the video games, you need to learn to prioritize your goals and figure out what's more important. Just take away your video games and hide it somewhere so you don't get distracted. I had the same problem on my last year because of my games too. I ended up slipping on my grades at my last year, but luckily I stopped playing games.

  11. dude i just finished grade 12, and im thinkin what the fu*K omg! all i can say is it goes by fast as h**l man my advice is put the games away chill with friends when ur not workin/studying, if u put stuff off and slack off ur gonna s***w ur self over, DO YOU WANT TO BE A BUM ON THE STREET! NO! GET TO WORK CHOP CHOP!

  12. Do what i do keep thinking that in less than 20 weeks you will be graduating in to the real world, the working world, no more help from teachers and parents, you'll have to work everything out for your self soon enough you'll scare your self in working hard.

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