
How do i contact somone in authority to explain why BT could not re-activate my daughters landline?

by  |  earlier

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my daughter has a landline 01695732091 and wanted it activated but BT were unable to do that over 3 weeks nobody would tell her what the problem is-why?could someone tell me in plain english what the problem is?better still could i talk to someone from head office complaints dept please?

BT are losing out on having a new customer




  1. The CEO of BT is now Ian Livingston at:

  2. In a nut shell you cant

    youre not the account holder

  3. If you call the operator on 100, they can give you the number for the chairman's office.

  4. shame that you have gone with BT i would say leave them entirely alone. Only suggestion is contact the CEO of BT but don't expect an answer. Take it from someone who had more trouble with them than anything i have ever experienced. And their cutomerservice is the pits. and that is putting it mildly

    BT CEO Ben Verwaayen, try it and see if you can speak with him or office, i got a reply three months after complaining, and i went basically into near cardiac arrest when doing so

    you will get someone in India/south africa, who will not deal with your problem. Many can barely speak English so don't expect anything. Someone suggests e mailing the CEO

    good luck if you do get an answer

  5. The is the CEO of BT's email- he says he responds directly to customers-I wonder??

    Failing that you could call customer services and ask to speak to your local provision of service unit (psu). These are the people that deal directly with the engineering depts, they can give you an update. I think they recently changed the name of the psu to customer provision management (CPM)..

    Good Luck

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