My camera produces .MOD files but these are useless. I can put them through the program that comes with the camera which is called Cyberlink Power Director and export it as a mpeg or avi but it always loses quality and i want to keep my high quality. Once it's been through that program, the video plays at about 1/3 of the screen size and you can see the pixels when you put it on full screen. On the original files, it plays at almost full screen by default and if you make it full screen, there's not a pixel in sight.
For .MOD files, you can change the extension on the end to .mpg and it'll work as an mpeg-2 file without any converting but the problem is, when i put it into Adobe Premiere, the clip becomes square (not much of a problem as i can resize it) and then the footage starts jumping all over the place when you play it so that doesn't work well.
Does anybody know of a program that i can use to convert my footage from .MOD to .avi, .mpg or .mov with either no or very little loss.