
How do i convert temperature in farenheit to celsius mathematically?

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How do i convert temperature in farenheit to celsius mathematically?




  1. Celsius is based on the boiling point of water at sea level. This standard is 0ºC at the point water turns solid (ice), and 100ºC at the point water turns to a gas (boils).

    In Fahrenheit these points would be at 32ºF and 212ºF respectively.

    To convert from ºF to ºC you need to account for the different zero points by subtracting 32.  Then use the ratios to calculate the degrees above or below zero.  This ratio is found by calculating the ration of the degrees from boiling to ice in both ºC and ºF

    (100ºC – 0ºC) / (212ºF - 32ºF) = 100ºC / 180ºF = 5ºC/9ºF

    This gives you a conversion equation for Temperature (T) of:

    (TºF – 32 ºF) x 5ºC/9ºF

    Note: The ºF in the numerator and the denominator cancel out to leave the unit of measure in ºC.

    Likewise, the reverse equation to convert from Celsius to Fahrenheit would be

    (TºC x 9ºF/5ºC)+ 32 ºF With the ºC in the numerator and the denominator canceling out.


    'doh! took a while to write a long answer to see that a short one is already posted.  -  Hope the extra helps you understand the concept.

  2. If you do it frequently, it will automatically come to you without having to calculate it.

  3. Fahrenheit to Celsius - Quick: [subtract 32 and divide by 2] Correct: [(fahrenheit - 32) * 5/9]

    Celsius to Fahrenheit - Quick: [multiply by 2 and add 32] Correct: [(celsius * 9/5) + 32]

  4. Deduct 32, then multiply by 5, then divide by 9

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