
How do i convice my parents to let me get a kitten?

by Guest59354  |  earlier

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i lost my cat during spring break and i miss her alot. she was with me my whole life she had to be put down because she had cancer i loved her so much and i miss her like crazy..but im really wanting to get another cat..i have asked my parents for a cat and they said "No" but how do i convice them to let me getting one again??




  1. well, talk to them and tell them that you will try as hard as you can to take care of the kitten all by yourself. when i really wanted a cat, i waited a while and finally got my mom convinced to get one! his name is Pouncey and he is now 2 years old! try to find a kitten that isn't too "wild" if that's what your parents want. good luck!

  2. Your parents may not want to go through raising another cat right now. Waite a while and try again.

  3. This question is asked 50 times a day. Just search for it. And if your parents say no, that's the end of the discussion. You're the kid, they're the parent. Guess who's in charge?

  4. beg and offer to pay for half of it or for an early birthday or christmas present.

  5. Try finding a cat at a rescue that doesn't need anything done to like it's already fixed with it's shots for the year. and try an adult. they're less work.

  6. Convince them that you are learning to be a responsible, caring, and loving person, and these elements are essential to be an emotionally healthy person.

  7. "Same song third verse, a little bit louder and little bit worse."

    You don't try to "convince" them that you need one. They ARE your parents after all and they know your habits, the promises you keep and the ones you break, how responsible you are around the house and if you complain, or whine when they ask you to do things for them or others in the family.

    Your parents will know if you are responsible enough to and are ready for a pet and they won't forget your wishes if they decide that it might be nice to add a cat to the family.

    Bringing any pet into the house is a "Family Affair" not just a "you thing". The cat may love your parents and siblings (if you have any) more, or as much as it does you and that is something that you can not control or dislike any pet over.

    Animals bond to whom they choose, not to who you choose.

    There is also the fact that hopefully your parents will appreciate and understand the monetary (money) responsibility associated with having a cat. If they can't afford it and you don't have a job then it's not the right time to get any pet until you can. Having a cat or dog is a lifetime commitment and at this stage in your life it will be more of a "Family Pet" so it has to be a "Family Decision".

  8. oh thats easy(this is what i was going to do be4 my mom said yes!) ok so get a itten and have your friend hold it 4 a couple days.... and than when you are at home alone tell ur friend to come over wit the cat and than tell ur mom you found it and it was almost eaten by a dog or somthing......

    (its worked for me before!)

    good luck hope it works!!!!

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