
How do i convince a parent to live on a farm?

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well you see my friend wants to live on a farm really bad because she comes to my farm but only like once every 4 months because she lives like 16 hourse away from me and she loves it. anyway how would she be able to convince her parents. please help she always talks about it and everything.

and please dont say stuff like prove to her parents that she can do it by going to my farm or something like that. please help her shes my best friend and i dont want her to be sad every time we talk on the phone and when she comes over.




  1. You can't ask her parent(s) to just get up and move to a farm near you.  It's just not feasible.  They have a job to think about.  And running a farm and having a job is tough!  

    She's only a friend to you right now.  Wait until you get older.  When you're both old enough, you can get married and have your own farm.  It's something nice to look forward to.  Maybe she can spend a few weeks with you during the summer, but that's almost over and school will start soon.  Maybe next summer she can do that.  

    I know farms are nice but they are a lot of hard work.  

  2. Your friend needs to live with her parents, just like you need to live with yours.  Your parents might not even want an extra child around all the time.  You might see if your friend could spend an entire summer visiting you, so she could really get a feel for what farm life would be like.

  3. Hi

    Yuo can convince her parent to let her stay in a farm but you should not or have no rights to ask the whole family of her to live on a farm

    tell your friend she can visit you like taking a break or holiday, she can even find a job in ten farm

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